Land of the Chapacos
Tarija was founded by the Spaniards in 1574. It is located in the south of Bolivia and borders Argentina to the south and the Bolivian state of Chuquisaca to the north.
The state of Tarija (482,000 people) is known for its agriculture and having South America’s second largest natural gas reserves. The people from Tarija are called Chapacos. The city of Tarija (240,000-300,000 people) continues to grow as people move out of the country but also because of the gas industry and its connecting industries. There are two main universities in the city of Tarija (one state and one private) with students averaging around 160,000.
Guarani is the largest indigenous tribe in Tarija but there are more than 20 different tribes in the state.
When we announced we were going to Tarija, we heard it said that "Tarija is more Argentine than Bolivian". So our time planning for Argentina will benefit us in here in Tarija where it's culture is a mix of two countries.

The Mission Team
Get to Know Us
Who are we?
We are unique individuals with a common serving heart. We are families. We are interested in seeing Jesus' church grow. We represent two distinct countries and come from very different backgrounds. We have been fortunate enough to have worked together in a church planting mission in Sucre, Bolivia for over a decade. We love to worship together. We trust God to provide, give the increase and walk with us on our journey. The team plans to stay strong and focused by making unity in Christ our priority. We will do this by praising God together, studying His Word together, listening to one another and focusing outward and not inward through evangelism and ministry. We want to follow Christ with all that we are and trust that He will make us "fishers of men".

The Cabrera Family
Juan, Lorie, Nicole and Caleb
Juan studied theology in the Quito school of preaching in Ecuador (EQEB), and since then he and his wife, Lorie, have been involved in the work of the Lord.
In Ecuador, Juan had been participating in Sunday services and they were both involved in youth and women's ministries, and benevolence ministries.
Juan has been in Sucre, Bolivia for 12 years and Lorie came in later after marrying Juan. Serving as missionaries they have been involved in every aspect of the church-men's, women's, youth, children's ministries and activities, taking time to encourage, teach and disciple.
Juan has been a constant presence in the leadership workshops given by the Cochabamba Church of Christ (another city in Bolivia) and is currently helping a new work in the city of Potosi (3 hours from Sucre).
They believe that in compassion and service we show Christ to others. Their family has opened their home and hearts to the people around them. They have a daughter, Nicole, who is five years old and a son, Caleb, who was born in June 2020

The Myers Family
Angela and her two daughters, Pilar and Catalina
Before moving to Tarija in 2021, Angela Myers was a full time missionary in Sucre, Bolivia for over twelve years during which time she and her team started a church which is still going strong. In Bolivia she has been blessed by being able to adopt Pilar in 2015 at age 2 and Catalina in 2023 at age 4.
In Tarija she gives weekly Bible studies to women, helps run the contact center in front of the main university, offers counseling and gives bible studies through zoom to those as far away as Albania, among other things.
Angela believes strongly in encouraging the growth of community within the church, teaching and addressing emotional health and being a light and service to those she meets. She sees her most important role as being a mother to her two beautiful girls.

The Torres Family
Pancho, Mary, Doddy, Naomi and Nehemias
My name is Francisco (Pancho) Torres and I’ve been married to my beautiful wife Mary for 24 years. God has blessed us with 3 children: Doddy (23 yrs old), Naomi (19) and our youngest Nehemías (8). We are all Ecuadorian except for Nehemias who was born in Sucre, Bolivia. My life changed since the first day I began to seek Christ and in 2002 I decided to be baptized and give my life to Christ. After a time, my wife also made her decision... and then my brothers ... and then my children. It was the best decision of my life and God did not stop His planes there. In 2003 I had the opportunity to study in the Quito Bible Institute (EQEB). It was a great challenge but God had even bigger plans for us. At the end of my studies in 2006 the invitation to be part of a mission group going to Sucre, Bolivia presented itself. This was an even bigger challenge but we were there for 10 yrs. from 2007-2017. Since returning to Ecuador we have been serving a missionaries in the city of Manta. The desire to serve God has not diminished and there is much work to be done in South America, especially in the southern parts of the continent. My family and I are willing to go wherever God wants to send us because to work in God’s kingdom is our delight. I love to talk to people about Christ, to teach and preach the Word of God and help my brothers and sisters in whatever way I can. My wife love to help in different ministries especially with the women and children. She is very creative and has a servant heart. My oldest son Doddy is currently studying the the Baxter Theological Institute in Honduras. My daughter Naomi likes to help with the youth of the church and teach the kids. She plans to go through AIM (out of Sunset Biblical Institute in Texas). My youngest likes to be mischievousness and play. He always makes us laugh with his antics. Where God wants to use us, there we will be. I give thanks to God for all the people He has used to forward His work.