Thank you to all who prayed with us and for us during last weekend's prayer chain and to all of you who's prayer has been on-going for the El Camino team and the Argentine people. It was inspiring, humbling and exciting that over 50 of you signed up to pray from different countries including Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, and the United States... 19 cities, and 16 states of the US, covering 36 hours plus in unity as God's children petitioning Him for His help, guidance and wisdom and thanking and praising Him for His goodness and all He has done!
We hope you were encouraged as we were by this time. We would like to share some of the messages and responses we have heard from you. God has listened to His children in the things we have brought before Him and He is responding and leading in some amazing ways that we will share with you in the coming weeks.
Your partnership and encouragement means so much. THANK YOU.
"During my prayer time I asked God that he would grow the El Camino team members into his vessels to impact culture and the world. I also prayed that the love of Christ would grow deep roots in them so that they can weather any storm."
"My prayer time was great last night.
I prayed fervently for each member of the team for guidance, deliverance, purpose, strength, providence...
The hour zipped by!
It is exciting & humbling to approach the throne of God"

"Loved getting to do this while enjoying the view and quietness from our campsite!
We thanked God for your example and willingness to serve and trust Him; prayed for each family to have peace from the Spirit, faith, and renewed strength.
We sang and meditated on God's goodness and faithfulness and prayed that people will be willing to continue encouraging and supporting you all in God's plan for each family."

"I wanted to let you know that I prayed for you this morning, as I had committed to do, & what an honor & privilege it has been!
As I continued my Bible study & was in a state of prayer, the Lord gave me this verse with the message that it is for you this morning:
"But I promise you this - the Holy Spirit will come upon you & you will be seized with power. And you will be My messengers to Jerusalem, throughout Judea, the distant provinces - even to the remotest places on earth!” Acts 1:8
I know it was no accident that while prayers for you were still so strong on my heart that God gave me these affirming verses to share with you!
I certainly can't claim to know God's plan for you, but I want to assure you that I will support you & continue to pray for you & for the purpose & destiny God has for you!
I consider it a privilege! My love & blessings to you, from my place at "Dawn On the Dock with God" this Sunday morning!"
"I have found myself praying that we all be open to doing things in different ways than perhaps we had planned or envisioned. For him to help us see how we can effectively meet and teach people under the pandemic that may impact our methods for more months and perhaps years. To defeat Satan in his sowing seeds of doubt, discouragement, and indecision. May God be with you in all areas that you have desired and be a mighty force as He is glorified.
Thank you for sharing this time of prayer. 💕🙏"