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Christ is Known

Writer's picture: Juan CabreraJuan Cabrera

There is nothing more beautiful in life than sharing Christ with people. David came to El Camino (our contact center) asking about the free classes that we offer. He said he was always passing by and reading the chalk board we have on the side walk inviting people to come in for a cup of coffee and learn about God. “Do you have questions? Come on in and drink a cup of coffee with us. It’s free.”

David works as a psychologist and his desire is to help people using a spiritual base. He wanted to know what my answer was to: “What is the purpose for human life?” That is a great question and I identify with it because when I was a child, I had a trauma and it caused me to question my existence in this world.

I am fascinated by the chance to share with David the experiences in my own life and how I found in the Word of God the help that I needed and the affirmation from God that I received about my existence in the world. I wasn’t a mistake.

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14

David was thankful to know more about Christ who is the creator of the universe and whom all was created for (Colossians 1:15-16)

Once a week we have been meeting as we discover the truths in the Word of God. In his psychology magazines there are some great questions that we can talk about like: “Are you happy?”, “What is the purpose of your life?”, or “Do you believe in true love?”.

May our Lord receive the honor and the glory as He sews seeds of His Word in the hearts of people.

" is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11


Family Festival

Nicole’s school every year organizes a family festival where the parents and students participate in a dance that each class does. Usually, Dads dance with their daughters and moms with their sons but it can also be with aunts or uncles or however it works out for the family.

Each class decides on the dance it wants to do. The class finds a choreographer and starts to practice at least a month before the day. Nicole’s class practiced 3 times a week as we learned the Tinkus dance. Tinkus is Quechua for “Meeting” and is a folkloric dance from Bolivia.

It was a good time to get to know other parents and their kids and to do some exercise! But it was especially nice the time I had with my daughter. I am starting a friendship with one of the dad’s Juan Jose and will try and continue to have contact with him and maybe get to know his family too.

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