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El Camino

Writer's picture: AngelaAngela

We found a place to rent as a church building/ contact center! The lady we rented from for the first month here and where the Torres now live, found out we were looking for a place. She offered us a place that her family had set up as a restaurant but had closed when the pandemic hit. We went and looked at it and could tell that due to the size, the fact it had two bathrooms and a kitchen, it was going to be out of our price range. When we asked how much she was asking, she said that we should tell her how much we wanted to pay. The team talked about it and told her what we could do and she said yes. We told her we understood that the rent should be more and if she found someone who would pay it, we would be thankful for the time we had. She said she had had people ask about the place but she had been praying that somehow God would use it and so both sides are blessed by her faith and prayers. The building is not on a street that has a ton of traffic but it does have some and on Saturdays it is one of the streets that close off for a street market and so hundreds of people will go by on Saturdays. We’re planning on opening on Saturdays and are going to be trying out different things to get the word out on who we are. We ask that you pray for Doña Silvia and her family that God will bless them and that her family will come to know Him better.

This has been the first week we have been open and we are praying that little by little people will come in and ask about what we are up to and that it will become a place where people feel comfortable coming and going and where they can find hope and comfort. Also pray for this new place that it will be a place of community and healing through the love and truth shared there.


For those of you who are newer to this mission, El Camino means "The Way" in Spanish and we got it from John 14: 6 where Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." In Sucre it was the name of our contact center and will be the name of our contact center here. Not only does it refer to what Jesus said about being the way but connects to the rest of what He says: that He is truth and life. It also makes reference to Christianity is a journey and that it is not a journey taken alone but in community with others walking the path with you.

(The red and white reflect the flag of Tarija and the fountain and palm trees is for the main plaza here. )


We have (or will have had by the end of today), two Tea’s for women this month. The first we had was two weeks ago and was at my house. My neighbor and Noemi came and it was a couple hours filled with laughter. We played some card games, I showed how to make brownies and we talked. We decided to have another one today because on Monday a carpenter who has worked on the Cabrera’s apartment dropped by El Camino with his 9-year-old daughter to talk to Juan about something and stayed for a while chatting with the team. We wanted to do something that might make his wife feel welcome and so we are having another Tea today.

“A person’s words can be life-giving water;

words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”

Proverbs 18:4

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This is super exciting news!! What a huge blessing! And by the way I love the logo! Que noticia tan emocionante! Que gran bendición !! También me gusta mucho el logo Brent y LaNae con las chicas


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