This month Lorie, the kids and I have been opening up El Camino (contact center) on Saturdays in the morning and we go out and talk to the people. This street and the streets around us are closed down on Saturday to make room for an open market that takes place every Saturday. A lot of people go through this market every week. We serve coffee and little breads to those who have stalls set up around El Camino. The people around us sell second hand clothes and shoes and we spend some time talking with them and telling them what we do and that they are welcome at our contact center where we offer Christian counseling, Bible studies and a place to rest and have a cup pf coffee and where they can invite their friends and families.

We met the Senora Clementina. She sells food and refreshments to the venders who work all day and she always gives us a plate of food. She was very interested in being able to talk with someone and get some encouragement and has been coming to El Camino looking for help and a place where she can be heard. Since the first day we invited her, she has come every week on Mondays. She says she is thankful to God for putting us in her path and given her a place where she can share her problems and worries and a place to learn more about God.

It is a blessing to help and guide to God, people who are suffering and to give them counseling through the Word of God. It is a great encouragement to me to get to know people, share time with them and evangelize here in Tarija. Our desire is to wake up an interest for God in the people around us through service and getting to know them.