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Getting to Know a Family

Writer's picture: Juan CabreraJuan Cabrera

In the neighborhood where we live is a family that lives under very humble circumstances. Their three young girls are always walking the streets trying to sell small candies and that is what brought our attention to the family.

The girls playing on the street when not selling candies.

It is a sad situation as the father of the girls, Henry, has for some time now, indulged in the vice of alcoholism. He sits on the corner of the main street asking for money which he then uses to buy alcohol. His wife, Susana, is the only one who works to try and support the family. The mother of Henry, Rosa, also lives with them and has told us that before her son had a good job in construction and could provide for the family but that now his life is in ruins.

The worry is that Henry does not want or seek rehabilitation or help. We go and visit with Rosa and Susana and encourage them to believe in God and believe that He is able and nothing is impossible for Him.

(Rosa and Susana)

Susana said that with what she makes and with the hep of other people she can send her girls to school but that the girls need to be on the streets selling candy bc they don’t have enough for food.

We are trying to visit this family every week, take them some food and share the hope that there is in God, encouraging them to seek Him. We usually speak more with Rosa since she is the one who is at home taking care of the girls. We’ve prayed together and invited them to church.

We are tender seeing the girls in this condition and we can see how God sustains the outcasts and poor and how He provides food in its time. Like Psalm 145:13-16 says:

"... our kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing."
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