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New Birth On Christmas Eve

I have been giving a series on Christ during the advent season on Tuesdays. It's been really good. The group of women coming has grown and become more consistent but what has made it great has been the focus on Christ and how He came to earth, how He lived and died and why did did all that- His absolute love for us. It has impacted all of us to think and study on these things.

A couple days before Christmas I received a call from Elvira. She is a lady we have mentioned before who has been involved with the church since the first year of being in Tarija. She came to my house that night and said she had decided to be baptized. That she it was time to make this decision and give her life fully to God. It was a beautiful conversation we had.

The pool where we would do the baptism is only two blocks from the church and the owner said we could go in on Sunday. I was surprised they would be open on Christmas Eve, but they were. After church we had our end of the month lunch together and then those that could went to the pool to witness the new birth of Elvira... and not just Elvira. Nehemias Torres (Pancho and Mary's son) had been studying with his dad and had also decided to be baptized. It was a wonderful day as we celebrated their decisions to dedicate their lives to walking in the Light and to accept the offer of God's grace.


This was Catalina's first real Christmas and it has been fun to watch her excitement and the newness of everything from setting up a Christmas tree, to watching Christmas movies, to making sugar cookies. It's also been special as we did our own family advent and talked every day about God's love for us and His plan to come into the world. She came into this family having no concept of God and now she is learning and understanding more and more. She is learning that God is powerful (she loves that He calmed the storm as she is scared of the rain) and helps us and is always with us. During the advent we try to think of others and make the season about giving and doing for others. I love Pilar's heart as she is trying to do little things for others.

We hope that you were blessed during this Christmas season, but more that you were the blessing for others.

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Joshua Marcum
Joshua Marcum
Dec 26, 2023

Dios les bendiga! Celebrando con los ángeles por el naciemiento de Elivra. Preguntale si conoce a esa canción por los OakRidge Boys? 😁 Abrazos para todas tus familias y la iglesia.

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