We would like to invite all who are able to participate, to a weekend dedicated to prayer for the ministry and future plans of the Argentina work.
This prayer weekend will take place on Saturday and Sunday, November 14th and 15th for 36 Hours.
We are asking all who would like to participate in the prayer chain sign up online using the link 👇 below
The following are a few things that may help you navigate the signup process!
Here is a screenshot of the signup board.
You can change the display language using the "world" image in the top right corner that is circled in blue. (Puedes cambiar el idioma con el imagen del mundo en el parte arriba, vease el circulo azul)
We are praying on Saturday November 14th at 8:00am through Sunday November 15th at 8:00pm Central Standard Time (Austin, TX time) You can scroll down to see the open time slots. If the time box is white, it is available for signup, unless it has a lock on it (see screenshot below)
When you sign up, please put your name and then write in parentheses where you will be at when you pray. It will be encouraging to see people come together in prayer from all over the world.
Your name will show up in red until you refresh the page.
By adding your email you will receive a reminder of your time to pray 24hrs before and 1 hour before your prayer time.
If someone is already listed in the time that you would like to "book" you can still sign up for that time slot, unless it is booked exclusively (represented by the lock).
If you want to pray with us, but are having trouble signing up online please let one of our team members know.
Praying for an hour may seem like a long time, but we want to encourage you to try! We know it will bless your life. It might be beneficial to take some time to plan your hour out ahead of time. Pen and paper work great, but if you like apps!...
Check this one out! 👉 InnerRoom
Brent Franques 512-809-7444
Thank you for making the commitment to join with us in prayer. It would be amazing to see all the slots filled up and each of our lives blessed because of this time!