We returned!
After many months that the church didn’t meet in person because of the health crisis, finally we were able to start meeting again in person. It was with great joy that we could be together again in our new lactation with our brothers and sisters. I had the privilege of preaching that first morning back. It was on Philippians 1:21 a text that reminds us of the hope we have in Christ. In this time of difficulty that all humanity is going through, my objective was to encourage the family of Christ to keep their eyes on Christ.
Mary has been teaching the kids class on Sundays. She is very excited to have the little ones with her again and to teach them about Christ’s way. It is also very gratifying to see the young kids interacting with their friends in class.

I am very encouraged that many members made the effort to come even though there is still so much uncertainty. We have faith that little by little everything will get back to normal.
~ Pancho
Greetings loved Brothers and Sisters! I am happy to share about an activity we had with the women of the church after a long time apart. We got together to have a baby shower for sister Fernanda de Pullupaxi who gave birth to her third child. It was a time of much joy and I had the privilege of sharing a brief message with the ladies. It was on how children are a gift from God and I spoke of different examples of women who taught their children about God, like Lois and Eunice who taught Timothy. I also spoke of the fundamental role a mother has on the lives of her children. I was happy to see the collaboration of the women in this event- from the decorating to the snacks. Even though not all could come, it was a great time to be together in community with laughter, presents and above all sharing our love in Christ. I was filled with satisfaction to see how Christ has been working on our lives and to see the enjoyment on the faces of the sisters in Christ.
~ Mary