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Writer's pictureJuan Cabrera

The Gospel According to Mark

Hello Brothers and Sisters.

Some months ago, I started going through the gospel of Mark, a gospel I particularly like, and since then I have been caught on that book, seeing how Jesus worked with power and helped people. We, the mission team, identify with this book as it shows us Jesus starting his ministry and His focus on helping people, serving until the cross.

“ ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ “ Mark 10:45

For the next couple of months, I’m preaching a series on the life and works of Jesus as seen through the practical perspective of Mark. It’s been good to learn about Jesus through this book because it makes us conscious of the reality we are living in Tarija as we work in the ministry of Christ and as it invites us to imitate Jesus and serve people. As I analyze and go deeper into the gospel of Mark, I feel closer to Jesus and it’s a fact that we will pass through challenges as He did. Our challenge is to help form a community in Christ.


We have been meeting in the apartment we share with Angela: the mission’s team and Ronal and his wife Noemi and son Lucas. Other Christians visit us sporadically so we are a small group but little by little we will grow.

One challenge that has hit the Myers family and my own is our health. For a little over two weeks now we have been passing around what we thought was an intestinal infection (Nicole’s labs proved that) with fevers and such, but I got tested this week and came back positive for the Corona Virus so it’s likely we’ve all had that too. We trust that Jesus will help us get past these inconveniences and it has helped that He has prevented us from all falling ill at the same time because that would have made it harder. I ask that you pray for us, especially Nicole and myself as we have been hit the hardest.



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