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The Priority of Christ

Writer's picture: Juan CabreraJuan Cabrera
Matthew 14:23 "And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.."

Reflection on what was Christ’s priority

High on the priority of Jesus was to be alone with His Father. We especially see Him place importance on finding a quiet place to pray as He began the journey of His ministry and also as the journey was ending.

The line of connection and intimacy that He maintained with God motivates and strengthens us as Christians to overcome distractions and temptations that so commonly the world has the influence over. The daily grind of life can be so tiring and wear on us and at the end of day leave us frustrated and weary.

But if we go to the Father before the day begins as Jesus did, we can be sure to have the strength to love, be patient and forgive. As the day closes as well, we can surrender to God our labors, and all our interactions with our family and neighbor.

My wife and I have been encouraged to get back on track with this practice of being alone with God as Christ did and we know it will bless our children and others around. We hope you too will truly place priority to come before the Lord in prayer and find your day, difficult situations you encounter, your work and your life’s burdens made lighter.

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